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Hiding Valuables at Home

You Won’t Find Me! Where do you hide valuables at home? Have you ever given it thought about where is the best, and worst, places to hide small valuables at home? Not everything fits in a safe, and what if you don’t have one. All things considered, a safety deposit box in a bank vault is still the best place to keep jewelry and other...
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Sexual Assaults on Airlines – Stop In-Flight Attacks

Sexual Assaults on Airlines are on the Rise Being sexually assaulted in-flight on an airplane is the last thing any traveler would think about. Yet sexual assaults in flight is a crime on the rise. The reporting of sexual assault in the sky has seen an increase in reporting over the last several years. The FBI has recently reported that sexual assaults on airlines have...
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What You Can Do to Prevent DVT In Flight

You’ve heard that you should take measures to prevent dvt in flight. You’re smart to think about preventing deep vein thrombosis or DVT in your legs during a long flight and dangers of a clot traveling and becoming a pulmonary embolism. Do you have an upcoming flight that is longer, and is there anything you can do to minimize your chances of getting a potentially...
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Preventing Theft at Airport Security Checkpoints

Theft At Airport Screening Stations Theft at security checkpoints continues to be reported at airports around the world. Theft at airport screening stations is most prevalent in foreign countries or domestic airports without stringent TSA screening protocols. And the bigger the crowd and the greater the activity around the security checkpoints the better too. Therefore your valuables and property are at most risk in these...
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The Best Must Read Hotel Safety Tips

Hotel Safety Tips For Travelers Planning your trip or vacation can be fun and exciting. No doubt a primary concern will be where you will stay. After location and amenities the next thing, you should consider is security and safety when selecting your property. These must-read hotel safety tips can help you find a hotel or resort which takes your security and safety as seriously...
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Alarm Your Hotel Room Door to Help Keep Intruders Out

Is it safe to stay in a hotel alone as a woman? If you have ever had a concern about someone unexpected entering your hotel room while you’re inside? The problem while not prevalent is real. Alarms for Hotel Room Doors Can Keep Intruders Out Even with security protocols in place, well-meaning hotel personnel like housekeeping and maintenance staff might open room doors for guests...
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