Tag Archives: Home Security

Keep em’ Out!

Most criminals who burglarize homes are looking for an easy hit; a house that they can break into quickly, take something of value, and leave without being detected. There’s no fail-proof way to prevent home burglaries or to keep out a burglar, however, you can help avoid burglaries of home while on vacation by taking some deterrence measures.

Prevent Home Burglaries When on Vacation

Even if you can’t afford a security system, you can take a few minutes to make your home a little more secure. Some relatively simple steps will greatly decrease the odds of a break-in and help prevent home burglaries while on vacation, which means you can enjoy a bit more peace of mind. And isn’t that what “home” is all about?

A Few Facts About Home Burglaries

Prevent Home Burglaries When on Vacation

Avoiding home burglary while on vacation

  • Once a burglar targets a home to burglarize, most will spend no more than a minute trying to break in and less than five minutes inside.
  • Most residential burglaries occur on the first or ground floor.
  • The entry point is usually made at the rear or by a side door; the second most common access is via the garage door.
  • Most burglaries occur during daytime hours when homes are empty as the occupants are at work.

 Target Your Home As a Burglar

How would you get into your home? Evaluate your home from the inside and out, night and day. You might even try a “mock” break-in, trying window jambs and loose locks on your house’s perimeter. Just let the neighbors know what you’re up to before you go lurking in the bushes.
If you failed your test, here are a few thoughts on how to harden your residence against burglars.


Even though most burglaries occur during the day, some occur during hours of darkness. Criminals are in search of houses with no one home. To reduce your home’s risk of burglary at night, install a motion sensor light in the front and in the rear of your house wherever possible. To be extra cautious, try to position the lights at the corners of your residence so the motion detectors can catch someone approaching from the side. Make sure the lights are positioned at a height that someone cannot disable them by easily reaching up and unscrewing the bulb. These are solar and require no electrical wiring to install, DIY friendly.


Make sure all shrubs and trees are trimmed back so they do not allow a burglar to conceal himself while attempting to open a window or door. If possible, plant bushes with prickly thorns around these locations. They are a cheap deterrent. Also, gravel is a good ground cover under windows because it is noisy underfoot should someone walk on it.

Scope Out Your Yard

Don’t stop your security awareness at the outside walls of your house. Your yard areas also deserve attention. In general, don’t leave anything around the yard that might help a burglar get into your house. Ladders, stackable boxes, or any garden tools should be put away, preferably in a locked cabinet or in the garage. Many burglars have used the property owner’s own tools to break into a home. Don’t place outdoor furniture tables nearby the house. These could become an easy stepladder to the roof. To discourage potential climbers, spread grease on any metal drain pipes if they are close to windows. Use Vaseline or clear automotive grease, depending on the color of the pipe (or replace them with plastic pipe). Yes, criminals do climb up drainpipes. Think about it, most second-story windows are left unsecured and make a house easy to gain entry to.

Hide Your Identity

Do not place your name on your mailbox or front door, especially if you are a woman. If you really have to do this, use your last name only.

Secure the Windows

Though windows are relatively easy to break, the loud noise of shattering glass will deter a thief if you’re near other houses.

Another is to create a lock for wooden-frame windows. At the top edge of the bottom frame, drill two holes perpendicular to the sash or at a slight, downward angle. Drill completely through the inside sash and halfway into the outside sash. Insert nails or bolts (don’t hammer or screw these) into the holes. To test this setup to make sure the bolts won’t pop out when wiggled.

Don’t leave windows and doors open at night whether you’re home or away. That’s a common-sense precaution, but a surprising number of people forget to do just that, especially second-story windows. It’s a good idea to make a “pane patrol” part of your ritual of leaving the house. Use a pick-proof locking device for your windows. Make sure the frames are solid. If you’re beyond the earshot of your neighbors, they won’t hear the glass breaking.

Consider installing a Plexiglas sheet for the more accessible windows. This will make entry through them more difficult. Basement windows are an easy target, since they’re low and usually well hidden. Firmly wedge a steel bar across the window, or install a metal grate over the opening or window.

Prevent home burglary with windows locks

Sliding Window Locks


Window alarm  to prevent home break ins

Window Alarms Sound in Case of Broken Glass


Secure the Doors

  • All exterior doors should have a solid core to withstand being kicked in. They should also have high-quality deadbolts with at least 1 1/2-inch throws on the bolts themselves. The bolts in the locks should always be solid, not hollow metal.
  • Ensure the door frame has a metal strike plate, which is secured by a minimum of six three-inch screws, which are screwed into the solid door frame.
  • Install a wrap-around steel plate on the front of the door, covering the deadbolt. This will provide extra protection from a burglar kicking in the door and reduce his ability to pry the door lock.
  • If you don’t have a peephole, install one in the front door. If you have one, make sure that you and your family are in the habit of using it. Don’t open the door to anyone you don’t know, especially at night. If the peephole is out of reach of your children, keep a step ladder or stepping box by the door for them to use, or direct them not to open the door.

door jammer security bar to help prevent home break ins and burglaries

Security Bar Stops a Door From Opening, Even with a Key

Signs of the Time

  • The recording of a barking dog, as sometimes suggested, may only be effective for particularly gullible burglars. Some people have a playback system that’s triggered by the doorbell, but the cause-and-effect (push, bark, push, bark) is a little too easy to discern. A Beware of Dog sign is better than nothing; for an added touch of verisimilitude, get a sign that refers to a specific breed rather than the generic Dog. A “Beware of Rottweiler” sign (or a bumper sticker that says “I Love My Pit Bull”) might do the trick. Also, think about putting up a home alarm sign in the yard even if you don’t have an alarm. It may deter a burglar from choosing your home.Beware of the Dog Sign to help prevent home burglaries
  • Dogs, even the small yip-yip variety, have sharp teeth and a way of noisily announcing stealthy intruders. But a dog is more
  •  than an organic alarm–it’s a living creature, and it’ll need a lifetime of love, care, attention, and exercise. If you can genuinely welcome a dog into your life, it will welcome the task of protecting you. But if you’re a cat person heart, then look into electronic security systems.
  • Get a doorbell with a built-in camera to record activity at your door and in front of your home.
  • Motion activated cameras mounted on your eaves are good too. Many burglars look for these and pass on homes that have them in place.

Ring Spotlight Cam Wired: Plugged-in HD security camera with built-in spotlights, two-way talk and a siren alarm, to help prevent home burglaries

Motion Detection Security Camera with built-in spotlight Protect Your Valuables.

Don’t leave your valuables (tablet, computer, jewelry, etc.) where they can be seen from a window. If you don’t want to hide everything from sight, consider draperies and blinds. Use a safe. One of our favorites is a Wall Safe that you can install anywhere between the studs.

Make a valuables inventory. Keep a record of your expensive and personally significant items, not just a listing, but a photographic or videotape record if possible.  Use your phone to take a video and email the video to yourself in addition to keeping it on your phone.  This is helpful for both the police and the insurance agency (if you have a homeowner’s policy) in identifying stolen goods.

Use an engraving pen to mark these items with some kind of personal identifying information, such as your initials, in an inconspicuous place. This also helps record your possessions in case of any other mishap, such as fire or flood. Note:  Some experts recommend that property owners use their driver’s license number, followed by the state of issuance.

Bonus Information – The types of burglars defined

Opportunity Burglars

This type of thief searches for easy, quick, and petty opportunities. If you leave your door unlocked or a window open, they will take advantage of your trust or forgetfulness. In law, this would be considered a second-degree crime or not premeditated. An opportunity burglar will not do very much to decide who they will burglarize; they look for an easy target. They don’t tend to steal very much of value because they don’t know what they’ll find until they are in the act.

Smash Burglars

A smash-and-grab burglar is more desperate than an opportunity burglar. They are often into drugs and are only looking for cash or items that can quickly be exchanged for cash. A smasher usually enters a home or business by breaking through a door or window. This goes for vehicle break-ins, too.

Prowler Burglars

A prowler is more of a professional than a smasher or opportunity thief. They will have connections through which they can channel stolen goods, and they will put more scrutiny and planning into a burglary. A prowler often begins as an opportunity thief and then elevates his craft to be more deliberate and organized to gain more from their efforts. Their technique includes targeting and studying their victim’s habits and schedules to reduce the chance of being caught.

Targeted Burglars

A targeted burglar has nearly mastered their craft and knows specifically what they are after. After a few years of prowling, a burglar will often decide to target specific high-value items. They know what they want, they do rigorous research and they even know how long it will take the Police to respond to an alarm. Targeted burglars are often part of a Ring. These rings are nationwide, so items stolen in one state are shipped to others to be sold. Targeted Thieves will sometimes have an Insider, sometimes someone connected with an insurance company. This means they know the value of their targeted item and most of the details about the security around that item. A targeted burglar will likely change states frequently, so they can strike in New Jersey and then move to California to find another target.

Complete Burglars

Similar to a Prowler in methods, but professional like a Targeted Burglar, the Complete Burglar will clean a house out entirely. When a house is completely bare after a robbery, a Complete Burglar was involved. Like Targeted Burglars, a Complete Burglar will have Insiders and a Ring. An Insider will tell them that you are going on vacation, and a moving truck will arrive to take every item in your house. Like a Targeted Burglar, a complete burglar will likely move around often.

Prevent home burglaries by following a few common-sense tasks around your home’s garden. Then follow up with installing motion detection lights or better yet a motion-activated surveillance camera, like Ring, to discourage those casing and targeting properties.

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hiding valuables at home

You Won’t Find Me!

Where do you hide valuables at home? Have you ever given it thought about where is the best, and worst, places to hide small valuables at home? Not everything fits in a safe, and what if you don’t have one.  All things considered, a safety deposit box in a bank vault is still the best place to keep jewelry and other valuables, but there are some places around your home that make terrific hiding places for important smaller items and cash.

Worst Locations at Home to Hide Small Valuables

There are some places where experienced thieves are sure to look, such as inside top drawers, underneath any drawer, and behind wall art in the den or bedroom. We suggest you take care to avoid these obvious, or rather popular, caches.

It’s a good idea to wrap items in plastic before stashing them. Most of our suggestions are for small objects that can be held in your hand or cash. Take time to look around your place for spaces where you can hide things unobtrusively. You want places that are easily overlooked and will not be disturbed accidentally by a house guest, cleaning person or anyone else who may enter your home like a pet sitter.

The following suggestions are less obvious places than the ones mentioned above, but remember that a determined thief with enough time will probably find what you have in your home. What you’re doing here is buying time, hoping that any burglar will be disturbed before getting to your good stuff.

Hide it Easily – Quick Hacks to Hide Valuables at Home

Look for easily accessible places, which are also easily overlooked by the casual observer. Some good examples of these places are:

  • Bulk dry goods such as jars of rice and flour can hide small valuables and be kept out of the way on the back shelf.
  • Aspirin or brown pill bottles inside the medicine cabinet can be a good bet.
  • Packages of frozen vegetables can be thawed, and refrozen with items inside them.
  • Tennis balls with a small slit in them will return to their original shape. Squeeze the ball to open and stuff, then place back in the container.
  • Vacuum cleaner bags (clean ones) can hide an envelope of cash inside them.
  • Stuffed animals can be cut open (gently, and not around young children) and used as unlikely containers. Cut along a seam, stuff and re-sew Teddy before returning him to his friends.
  • Ceiling light fixtures can be unscrewed, and small valuables may be placed within the electrical box underneath.
  • Composite “rocks” that are hollow are common for hiding keys and can be placed outside in the garden or a planter with other rocks.
Fake rock designed hide small valuables

Fake rock designed to hide small valuables

  • A portable safe that you tether down with a steel cable and lock closed is ideal for slightly larger items. It’s virtually cut-proof, and you can tether it to a bed frame, plumbing under the sink, or a similar difficult item to breach. Typically, burglars want to be in and quickly. Even if they find this safe, they won’t be able to remove it or open it without specific tools and time. It’s a great security bag you can use at home, at the office, or while traveling.

Last-Minute Places to Hide Small Items and Money

Linen closets – inside folded towels
Place an envelope with cash between your bakeware
Inside your shower curtain rod
Inside a flashlight
Inside your Christmas decorations box
Inside plastic Easter eggs
Inside a DVD case
Inside a decorative pillow
Inside a pocket of a hiking backpack at the back of the closet
Inside your high school yearbook
Inside a board game
Inside a travel mug

Consider a low-cost diversion safe. Get a couple and one for a friend; they’re clever and make great gifts too.


Create a More Permanent Hiding Spot

These places require a bit more preparation to become effectively hidden containers.

Book safe: glue most of the pages of an old, uninteresting hardcover book together. Use a coping saw to cut a hollow area out of the middle. Drill starter holes for the saw. Then glue the box made with the pages to the back cover and let dry thoroughly. Stash on your bookshelf among other books or buy a “book safe” and place it among other books.
Steps and flooring have natural hollow spaces underneath. Carpentry skills are required to effectively create a seamless surface that escapes detection.
Hollow-core doors can have sections cut out of the hinge edge to give access to space within the door. Use the cutout piece as a plug.
The tops of poster beds unscrew. Hollow spaces can be drilled out in the posts themselves.  Commercial wall and floor safes should be installed by a professional, and are effective at drastically slowing down the unprepared casual thief from accessing your valuables.

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How Safe Are Hotel Room Safes_

Prevent Garage Door Burglaries


Is it safe to stay in a hotel alone as a woman? If you have ever had a concern about someone unexpected entering your hotel room while you’re inside? The problem while not prevalent is real.

Alarms for Hotel Room Doors Can Keep Intruders Out

Even with security protocols in place, well-meaning hotel personnel like housekeeping and maintenance staff might open room doors for guests encountered in the hallway. They may even use a tool to bypass the metal swing bar dead-bolt to help the “guest” get inside. The swing bar can only be flipped from the wall and over the door if someone is inside so if it is engaged someone is inside the room!

While this post focuses on how to add an alarm to your door, there are more important hotel safety tips for women traveling alone at the end of the article so keep on reading to the end.

Two Popular Security Alarms for Hotel Room Doors

The Personal Door Alarm and the Door Stop with Alarm are two solutions worth learning about. The Portable Door Alarm alerts you if the door is opened even just a little bit by sounding an alarm. It will allow the door to be opened. It is small light weight and easy to pack. The Door Stop and Alarm stops the door from swinging open plus it has an alarm that goes off when the door swings onto the steel plate and pushes down on the plate. Slightly larger it too is easy to pack.

Both alarm devices can help you feel safer if you need to stay in a hotel alone. Here’s more on both alarms for hotel room doors.

is it safe to stay in a hotel alone as a woman, portable door alarm for hotel doorsPortable Travel Door Alarm with LED Flashlight

  • Flashlight & door alarm in one unit
  • Easy to set up on any door – no installation required
  • High Pitched 95-decibel alarm triggered when unauthorized entry is attempted.
  • Great for hotel and motel rooms, train compartments, as well as dorm rooms.
  • Built-in emergency LED flashlight
  • Uses 2 common CR2032 button-cell batteries, included

The Portable Door Alarm is easy to use and can be used on doors and many styles of hotel room windows. Simply hang the door alarm on the inside handle of your hotel camper, or boat door knob or lever. When someone attempts to open the door from the outside, the device activates a piercing 95-decibel alarm which is designed to scare off the potential intruder. A Door Alarm also features a built-in flashlight for use in a darkened room for additional safety and convenience.

How the Portable Door Alarm Works

The Portable Door Alarm is extremely easy to use and takes only 5 seconds to setup which is described as follows:

Pull the bottom clip which removes the two slim silver prongs which are attached by a wire to the Portable Door Alarm. The prongs are held together with a clear plastic cover. Slide off the cover (save the cover as you’ll want to replace it when the alarm is not in use) and the prongs will separate causing a loud alarm to sound alerting you that the door alarm is functioning properly. Use your fingers to press the prongs together which stops the alarm.

Portable door alarm for hotel rood doors

Locate a space in the door or window jamb and slide the closed prongs between the door and frame (or window and frame). As long as the door remains closed the Travel Door Alarm will remain silent. If the door or window is opened (even a little bit) the Portable Door Alarm will loosen from its placement causing the prongs to separate and the alarm to sound. Not only is the high-pitched alarm a great warning to you, but is likely to startle and scare off an unsuspecting Intruder.

When the Portable Travel Alarm is not in use, the sensor slides back into the alarm. Nothing to turn on or off…the battery is used only when the alarm sounds.
 Door stop wedge with alarm for hotel doors


The Door Stop and Alarm

The door stop with alarm can be used in two ways. Use it as a regular device to keep a door from swinging open into a room.  Use it as a safety device by turning it on and an alarm will sound if a door swings onto it and presses the silver plate down onto the unit. Turn the switch off and the unit is a regular door stop.  If an intruder attempts to open the door, the wedge-shaped design will prevent it from opening and activate a 120 dB alarm to frighten him away. The door stop requires a 9-volt battery to make the alarm work. This is a great item for home or apartment use; especially if you have a side door to the house or another entry door which is not well secured.

portable door stop and alarm for hotels

Both Alarm Devices are useful beyond home and hotels, other applications, include:

  • Hotel Windows
  • Dorm Rooms
  • Apartments
  • Boats and Campers
  • Vacation Rentals

More Hotel Safety Tips for Women Travelers

  1. Stay in a hotel with room access only from the interior of the hotel. Exterior room doors found in motels are riskier.
  2. Reserve the room under your first initial and last name, that way the reservation is nongender specific.
  3.  Don’t stay on the ground floor, they are easier to access for non-guest intruders. Ask for a room higher up but not higher than 6 or 7 stories in case of fire or natural disaster. Typically fire ladders reach about 7 stories up.
  4. Have the front desk employee write down your room number and not announce it for privacy.
  5. Upon entering the room inspect the room for hidden intruders behind the curtains, under the bed and closet and bathroom. Make sure the windows and adjoining room door have functioning locks. Use the deadbolt AND a portable door alarm in case even the deadbolt is compromised.
  6. Use the main lobby door to enter and leave the property. Do not use the stairwell where you could be isolated.
  7. When leaving your room make it seem occupied by leaving the TV on and leaving the do not disturb sign on the door handle.
  8. Use the valet service to park your car, while more costly it is safer than walking in a parking garage by yourself.

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How Thieves Break Into Locked Garages with Just a Coat Hanger

It is relatively easy for thieves to break into your home by the garage door. It only takes a few seconds, and with a little practice, you could do it too. Once you see how easy it is to break into a closed garage door, you should be inspired to take away the break-in method for thieves (we offer a couple of tips to do so). You might also check your habit to always lock the door between the garage and the house. If your lock on this door is weak, you can augment your lock’s integrity with various devices for additional security.

The following video shows how thieves can break into your home by the garage. Then read on for solutions to enhance your security and peace of mind.

This video demonstrates a solution to stopping garage break-ins.

How to Prevent Entry into Your Garage Door

Burglars know how easy it is to get into a home by a roll-up garage door, and now you do, too.  As a homeowner, you need to know that a burglar can open a closed roll-up garage door in seconds with just a small block of wood and a coat hanger; that’s it!

This garage door safety release mechanism can be tripped from outside your garage door with nothing more than a coat hanger. To open up a roll-up garage door, all a thief needs to do is thread a coat hanger or hooked piece of wire through the top of the door and pull the emergency latch. By disengaging the safety release on your door, the door can be rolled up by hand to let a thief inside and then quickly back down as if nothing were out of the ordinary.

It’s very easy to defeat an automatic garage door opener and break into a garage, especially when you have garage door windows that enable a thief to see exactly what they’re doing. Even without windows, the task is fairly easy and can be done just by feeling and knowing the mid-point of your garage where the release cord is located.

What to do to Keep Burglars From Entering via the Garage Door

There are several simple, cost-free DIY methods to help foil thieves that break into your home by the garage door.

Remove the cord from the garage door release lever.
The cord attached to the emergency release lever is a convenience when you need to trip the lever like during a power outage so you can manually roll up the garage door. Removing the cord makes it more time-consuming for a burglar to get inside your garage. If it takes too long, the thief may give up rather than risk getting caught in the act of breaking into your garage.

In case of an emergency that leaves you without power, be sure you have a way to reach and release the lever so you can manually roll up the garage door to exit as the wall button or remote won’t work.

Lock the release lever into the engaged position while keeping the cord attached.
On some garage door openers, you can use a plastic cable tie or some thin wire to tie the lever to the carriage assembly it is attached to. The lever always has a hole in it (to attach the release cord), and some carriage assemblies have holes you can run the cable tie or wire through. If your garage door release doesn’t, you can drill a hole. The idea is that you need to make it virtually impossible for a flimsy coat hanger to catch the rope and have it pull the lever down. You do this using a zip-tie (or two) to lock the automatic opener’s engaging arm.

While this will prevent the bypass technique employed by thieves, the safety pull handle can still be yanked hard from inside the garage to break the zip ties in an emergency.

As long as you have power, both of the above solutions still allow you to use your remote control to open the garage door.

The best security options

The best solution is to install a shield to block a wire hanger from grabbing the pull rope while still allowing the pull rope to hang low for a quick emergency opening of the garage door during a power outage. Installing the shield is easy.Garage Door Protection Shield, How Thieves Can Break Into Your Home by the Garage Door

Garage Door Protection Shield, Thieves can break into your home by the garage door

Install Motion Sensor Lights in front of your garage door. Thieves love to operate under the cloak of darkness. Once the light detects motion in front of your garage door, it turns on and remains on for a specified amount of time. Some lights are solar-powered and don’t require electricity, while other models are hard-wired. Here’s one model we like.

garage motion lights, Thieves can break into your home by the garage door

Check price light motion sensor garage

Lock the Door Between the Garage and House

Hopefully, you lock the door from the garage to your house every time you drive out of the garage. Many of us don’t lock the door between the house and the garage during the day as we’re coming and going. Even still, once a burglar has access to your garage and lowers the garage door quickly, they have plenty of time to bypass the door lock to your home without being seen. What makes it easier for burglars is that many doors aren’t built solid or have a deadbolt. Burglars can pick the lock with small tools they carry on them, or add insult to the injury, the burglars might breach the door lock by using the tools that most of us have in the garage.

Install a heavy-duty deadbolt on the door leading to your home as a permanent solution. Master Lock DSCHDD32D Heavy Duty Double Cylinder, Grade 2 Commercial Deadbolt with Bump Stop,

Check price for door security, Thieves can break into your home by the garage door

Install a security door brace on the floor of the door between the garage and the house; it’s a more permanent solution that augments a good solid door lock.OnGUARD Security Door Brace | French Door Brace Jammer Barricade Defends Against Home Invasions, Burglaries , thieves break into homes by the garage

Check price for door security, Thieves can break into your home by the garage door

Use a portable door jammer security rod on the closed door to stop the door from the garage to the house from being opened.

door jammer security bar to stop break ins by the door

Check price for door security

Use a portable wedge door alarm on the door leading from the garage to the house; it stops the door from opening and emits an alarm should entry be attempted.

Upgraded Door Stop Alarm -Great for Traveling Security Door Stopper Doorstop Safety Tools for Home stop theives coming in by garage door

Check price for door security, Thieves can break into your home by the garage door

Garage door alarms operate much like window locks; if they sense motion, they’ll emit a loud alarm if the contact is broken.

Shed/Garage Security Alarm with LOUD 120 dB Siren and Exit Entry Delays - DIY EASY to Install for Home Security

Check price for door security, Thieves can break into your home by the garage door The Lock Locker stops deadbolts from turning Even stops a key. It keeps the dead bolt stationary

Bump Proof Deadbolt Door Locker. how thieves enter your home via the garage

Check price for lock locker, Thieves can break into your home by the garage door

Final thoughts on how to prevent thieves from entering your home from the garage

First, make a few no-cost or low-cost adjustments to your garage door opening mechanism and outdoor lighting. Lightening, locks, and motion detection cameras like Ring cameras are visible deterrents to stop entry into your garage.
Second, There are various low-cost and low-effort devices you can place on the door between the house and the garage to stop thieves from entering your home from the garage.

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